Panels & Workshops

9:00 – 9:50 am
Partnering With Pharma
Pharma Seeking Early-Stage Assets

Big pharma companies are actively looking outwards for innovative new therapeutics to add to their pipelines. This panel brings together speakers from various big pharma companies discussing topics such as:

  • How big pharma sources assets
  • The evaluation process
  • Key factors and areas of interest
  • How early-stage big pharma is willing to look

These panelists will shed light on the process that big pharma goes through when sourcing early-stage assets and advise startups on how they can best make a case for themselves. Panelists will also explore various trends within the therapeutics marketplace, what assets are of interest to their company, and what they think will be big in the future.

10:00 – 10:50 am
Angel Investors
Explaining the Process of Engagement

This panel focuses on angels in Biotech investment and how angels assess current biotech investment trends and criteria. Topics may include:

  • Types of deals Biotech angels like to do
  • What it’s like to work with an angel investor
  • How biotech and investment landscapes evolving

Angel investors have been one of the first go-to investors as an incredibly important source of capital for fundraising entrepreneurs. Panelists will highlight the perspective of an angel when approaching a deal in the space. Angels will explain their investment preferences and their evaluation criteria, and provide overall advice in how to approach and build relationships with them. The panel will serve as an educational opportunity for scientist entrepreneurs to better understand the trends in angel investment in the bio-pharmaceutical field.

11:00 – 11:50 am
Digital Health
Accelerating Technologies to Improve Quality of Care

This panel focuses on investing in innovative digital health products that bring new efficiencies to the healthcare system, change how care is delivered or managed, and how patients are involved in their own care. Panelists will explore topics related to investing in digital health, including:

  • In what kinds of digital health technologies are they interested in investing?
  • What metrics and evidence do you look for in a digital health startup?
  • How can an early-stage digital health company demonstrate the value of their products? 
  • What are the main challenges for startups raising capital in this space?

The moderator and panelists will discuss this rapidly evolving field of healthcare investment and will introduce the audience to the key fundraising opportunities and challenges facing digital health entrepreneurs today.

1:00 – 1:50 pm
Early Stage Therapeutics
Bringing the Newest Therapies to the Clinic

This panel aims to bring a diverse group of experts & senior decision making staff from VCs, corporate pharma, and other investor types who focus on biotech/ therapeutics investments together to discuss topics such as:

  • The decision-making process
  • Current areas of interest and areas of high need
  • How companies can better differentiate themselves, especially those in overcrowded indications  
  • Common mistakes/red flags  Recently successful deals and how they were successful

The moderator will guide the discussion through topics including how the investors source and vet novel therapeutic assets, what kinds of technology are of interest to them right now, and how they as investors work with a startup to move a new drug toward commercialization.

2:00 – 2:50 pm
Advancements for Personalized Care and Medicine

This panel focuses on investments in innovative diagnostics, ranging from IVD, genomics, precision medicine, and more. Topics may include:

  • Current areas of interest
  • Current challenges in this ecosystem – Navigating the competitive landscape
  • Commonly observed red flags
  • Successful deals Panelists will discuss how companies can successfully fundraise for their budding diagnostics technology and the best way to successfully approach and develop a relationship with relevant investors.

Panelists will also explore current areas of interest and why they are relevant, as well as developmental and regulatory hurdles and how companies can address these problems to attain key milestones.

3:00 – 3:50 pm
Family Offices
Perspectives on Early Stage Investments

This panel focuses on understanding how family offices view direct investments in early-stage healthcare opportunities (seed – series A) and how they differ from and compare to VCs. Topics may include:

  • Primary differences between institutional VCs and family office investors
  • How family offices source investments / how to get on their radar
  • Trends in the early-stage healthcare investment space

The primary goal of this panel is to help entrepreneurs understand how family offices view early-stage investments in the healthcare space and best practices for approaching, pitching, and working with these groups as well as debunking some common misconceptions about family offices.

4:00 – 4:50 pm
AI in Healthcare
Investing in the Intersection of Science and Technology

This panel focuses on the many applications of AI in healthcare, from pathology applications to diagnostics to personalized medicine. Topics may include:

  • What are investors looking for when evaluating companies in this space
  • Where is AI in healthcare now and where is it going
  • What are the current challenges facing AI, including regulatory challenges

In recent years, numerous technologies integrating AI have come up in the life sciences & healthcare industry. From drug discovery platforms to remote patient monitoring, AI plays a big role in a lot of the up and coming startups in this space. In this panel, we hope to uncover areas that pique investors’ interests at this current time. In addition, panelists can discuss the associated risks, such as regulatory or ethical complexities, data quality, among others.